No, high school football is not life, BUT, it sure is a big part of mine. Do I have a child that plays? No biologically speaking, but I guess I have about 40 sons- all of whom wear the orange and black! Ever since I watched the 7th grade class of 2000 step on the field, I have been a fixture in the stands. I root for the sevvies I root for the junior high, and then I am one of the faithful followers of the Mighty Warriors every Friday night. In the last five years, I have been to all but three games. Including play-off games. Three hour drives are NOTHING to me! Even the awful 0-for year, there I was. Excessive, I don't think so.
I watch practices, at least portions of practices, twice a week. I see how hard they work. These guys are dedicated and have their eyes set on a goal- to win. They don't cheat, they seldom dog it. And they are a lot of fun to be around!
I always thought I'd be a good coach's wife, because I love sports. I guess I have to settle for being a coach's mom, which I am, and surrogate mom to the Warriors. Go Warriors- your "mom" is behind you!
You are getting good at blogging. I did make a tutorial PPT for you to learn how to do the backgrounds and it will not attach to my email....I will have to save on a thumb drive! :)