Alright, here's the thing: my friend Chris has a blog. I have no idea why I did not know this fact, but she does. We were talking today and she said that I really needed to blog, too because it's fun. I honestly have zero clue how this is going to work out, but here goes.
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week? Where has the year gone? It will soon be time to give semester tests to my seventh and eighth graders and be out for Christmas!
Saying that, I have to give thanks where thanks are due:
1. My family- Reg, Evan and Jenny, and Lauren
2. my faith- heaven knows, this keeps me hanging on in more ways than one
3. my job and the people I work with- I work for the best school district in the WORLD! and my co-workers are so great
4. my dog- she still does not talk back!
OMGosh, I love it! I love the picture. We really need to get our picture together! How are you feeling today? Sore? I should have taken a picture of you on the ground! Isn't photography wonderful? Matt almost got me int hem iddle of the pack, but I jumped on fball player, lol......