Yesterday was a beautiful day in Arkansas...78 degrees, breezy, sun shining. A trip to Lowe's garnered some lovely plants for looking at and eating (hopefully). An accidental purchase of a gardening basket at DAR State Conference got me some seeds and stepping stones and a hat! Three and a half hours later, my flower bed is planted and dug up and all my containers full of flowers. Now it is wait and see time. Will it get cold and kill it? Will the neighbor dogs dig it up? Will the local deer have lunch when the plants come up? Only time will tell.
So what's on the agenda for my second day or rest and relaxation? More outside work- leaf blowing and digging around my irises so they can get some air. Maybe sweeping off the front porch to make it look inviting. All of this takes a back seat to BASKETBALL tonight! That's the madness part...
For my two readers- sorry I haven't written for some months. Life kind of happened. WHERE IS MY FRIEND C. A.??? Guess Waldron, America doesn't have internet...